We recently learned that Travis Rountree, a colleague we know through the Appalachian Studies Association, published an electronic media review of the "Remembering the Reedys" blog in the most recent issue of the Journal of American Folklore. It's a positive review with some well-taken critiques of this site's navigability, some of which reflect the limitations of using a free blogging platform to organize and share content. Thanks to Travis and electronic media review editor Natalie Underberg-Goode for sharing this work with the JAF scholarly community and for offering recommendations for improving it.
We are always pleased to see recognition of the Reedys musical legacy and the documentary blog we've maintained for over a decade to help tell their stories. After such a long-term effort, we still hope more scholars will take up the feminist focus of our project to place Frances on equal footing with her husband as a songwriter and musician. We are definitely interested in exploring additional avenues, and possible website updates, to make this theme and the overall wealth of Reedy media and memorabilia more accessible to expanding audiences.
Citation: Rountree, Travis Allen 2021 Review of Remembering the Reedys: Appalachian Music, Migration, & Memory [blog], by Timi Reedy and Tammy Clemons. Journal of American Folklore 134(532):242-243. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/788135